Colony Cultivation and Recovery Reagent Kit
Colony Cultivation and Recovery Reagent Kit provides necessary chips and reagents for large-scale, parallelized physical separation of target single cells with specific functions from a genetically heterogeneous cell population, using the Digital Colony Picker (DCP).
The Static Droplet Array Chip in this kit houses tens of thousands of cultivation microchambers, each with a picoliter-scale volume. When a sample suspension is introduced into the chip, individual cells are gently distributed into the microchambers according to Poisson distribution. This is followed by mass parallelled cultivation, bright-field imaging for cellular growth and multiplication, fluorescence imaging (when necessary), A.I. based selection of targeted clones and their individualized non-contact exportation, all at single-cell resolution and for each of the selected microchambers.
This kit supports microdroplet-based cultivation, phenotypic monitoring of each microdroplet during the cultivation process, and fully automated selection of droplets containing pure cultures that exhibit desired phenotypes.